... possible
... not possible

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Please choose your system configuration from the menu at the top or enter your SD-Number directly below.

SD-Nr. configuration not valid
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17 temp.sensor N 16
18 temp.sensor L 15
19 temp.sensor potential for 13 14
20 temp.sensor relay output 13
21 temp.sensor not used 12
22 temp.sensor relay output 11
23 temp.sensor potential for 9+11 10
24 temp.sensor relay output 9
25 counter/contact not used 8
26 counter/contact relay output 7
27 0..10V potential for 5+7 6
28 0..10V relay output 5
29 ground for 17-28 not used 4
30 not used relay output 3
31 not used potential for 1+3 2
32 not used relay output 1

For the 2nd HP is needed an additional HPM + INT-x cable, in which SD-No. 80000 must be loaded.
For the connection between the HPM controllers (master/slave), an ethernet-switch and network-cables are required.

For the 2nd HP is needed an additional HPM + INT-x cable, in which SD-No. 80000 must be loaded.
For the 3rd HP is needed an additional HPM + INT-x cable, in which SD-No. 90000 must be loaded.
For the connection between the HPM controllers (master/slave), an ethernet-switch and network-cables are required.